What is Telecare?
Telecare is a dynamic, comprehensive, continuous patient care coordination model for Medicare. The system facilitates communication between physicians, their practices, and their patients to ensure better care, more compliance, lower hospitalization rates and improved health outcomes. It includes:
- Remote patient support centered around a dynamic, comprehensive care plan for Medicare-eligible transitional, chronic, multi-conditional, and COVID 19 at-risk patients
- A seamless connection that integrates a total patient health solution that enables seamless physician, staff, and extended care team continuous patient care coordination
- Medicare-reimbursable practice extension without any additional work for your staff to bridge appointments and points-of-care
- Leverages dynamic care planning, remote patient care monitoring, and extended Telecare team to change the provider’s rules of engagement and improve patient outcomes
CareTrack’s Telecare Solution?
CareTrack is a fully integrated, remote health care solution that facilitates coordination of care between physicians, practices, and patients. Through the extraction of information from the patient’s existing EHR, CareTrack develops a customized care plan that benefits all parties involved by resulting in better quality measures and health outcomes. CareTrack enables continuous remote monitoring and care for elderly or chronically ill patients by serving as a hub that brings together the numerous components of telecare to work as a single system.
For Physicians Practices
- Enables the caregivers, physicians, staff, and extended care teams with better patient health diagnostics and decision support to streamline and simplify the practice's workflow in managing patient care remotely
- Continuous patient monitoring brings together all the remote telecare components in a single system resulting in better quality measures and health outcomes
- Ensures better continuity of care for each of these patients by closing the feedback loop to ensure that physician and care team have the latest information providing an early warning system on patients for physicians and their staff to identify patients at risk or heading to an impending critical issue
- Manages patient population proactively between appointments to catch potential issues in advance to prevent hospitalizations, close patient's adherence gaps, and improve clinical outcomes
For Patients
- Provides the patient with a structured, consumable care plan so they can better adhere to the care plan in the condition management process
- Offers a tangible, comprehensive care plan playbook to manage the plan of care that includes recommended orders, medicine prescribed, and recommended behavioral changes
- Assists patients beyond the guidance given in the visits and information provided to ensure adherence with recommendations and the individual patient care plan
- Manages patient population proactively between appointments to catch potential issues in advance to prevent hospitalizations, close patient's adherence gaps, and improve clinical outcomes

Dynamic Care Planning
- Synthesis of Charting information into singular view
- CarePathways for each condition
- Dynamic Care Plan Management

Holistic Care Monitoring
- Configuring the Monitoring Thresholds
- Device for Vitals
- Surveying patients monthly

Telecare Alerting Workflow
- Emergency Alert Device for assistance and 911
- Urgency Triage to Physician, Staff, and EHR
- Patient Health Changes Notifications

Appointment & Care Coordination
- Care Plan and Medication Adherence
- Scheduling Appointments
- Coordinating Specialist Appointments

Quality & Billing Reporting
- Quality Metrics
- Medicare Billing Coding
- Compliance Reporting